Welcome to Year Three


We have two classes in this year group. The Year Three teaching staff team are: Mrs Richardson, Mrs Hull and Miss Linden.

Our classes have all been named after local landmarks / places of interest, we are: Geddington Class and Wakerley Class.


We are going to be studying and exploring 6 exciting Big Questions this academic year. These are:

Geography: Where are settlements located around the world? 

History: How did life in Britain change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age? 

History: How did the Roman invasion impact British life? 

Geography: What causes a volcano to erupt? 

Art: What can art tell us about popular culture? 

D.T.: What local ingredients make the best savoury dish? and How can we transport food effectively? 

As designers, we will be learning about the importance of local ingredients as we design, make and evaluate our own seasonal dishes. We will also learn about how to transport food effectively and how the design of the coolbox has changed over time. In our art lessons, we will be learning about pop art and creating our own art inspired by famous pop artists, including Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. As geographers, we will learn about the structure of the earth, including the different plate boundaries. We will then use this knowledge to help us understand what causes earthquakes and how volcanoes erupt. In our history lessons, we will learn about how life changed in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age and learn about life in Roman Britain. We will also continue to develop our knowledge of the French language, R.E., P.S.H.E. and computing. Over the course of the year, we will have a number of trips around the local area and have visitors into school. For a more detailed overview of our curriculum, please visit the curriculum section of our website.

We have an exciting year ahead and can’t wait to share learning experiences with the children and join them on the start of their journey through Key Stage Two. We are privileged to be able to watch them grow in confidence and flourish within themselves.

Throughout the year, parents will be invited to share their children's achievements in class, join in with the children’s experiences and come on school trips and local visits if they are able to volunteer some time.

Useful Links

Below are some recommended links that will enhance your child’s learning further:

Maths – Topmarks:






Reading – Oxford Owl:
